Integrated Sensing and communications for future vehicuLAr systems - a Network of Doctoral Students
Selection Process for ISLANDS Doctoral Positions Now Underway

Selection Process for ISLANDS Doctoral Positions Now Underway

The selection process for the doctoral positions offered through the ISLANDS project has officially concluded its application phase. Following an overwhelming response from aspiring researchers worldwide, the selection committees are now deeply engaged in reviewing the numerous applications received.

The ISLANDS project – funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), a part of Horizon Europe – has attracted candidates from a diverse range of academic and professional backgrounds. The selection committees are meticulously evaluating each application, focusing on academic achievements, research potential, and the overall suitability of candidates for the various positions available.

In the coming months, candidates will be invited for interviews. These interviews will be crucial in assessing the candidates’ research interests, skills, and aspirations more thoroughly. The aim is to ensure that the most promising and qualified individuals are chosen to contribute to the ISLANDS project.

“We are excited about the potential these candidates bring to the table,” said Dr. Stefano Buzzi, general coordinator of the project and Full Professor at Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale and Politecnico di Milano, and Researcher at CNIT, Italy. “Their innovative ideas and research efforts will be instrumental in driving forward our mission to develop cutting-edge solutions in our field, on the topic of integrated sensing and wireless communication.”

The interview phase is expected to be a dynamic period for both the selection committees and the candidates. It will provide an opportunity for in-depth discussions and a better understanding of how each candidate can contribute to the project’s goals.

As the selection process moves forward, the ISLANDS project team is eager to introduce the new doctoral researchers and share their innovative research projects with the broader community. The successful candidates are expected to bring fresh perspectives and groundbreaking ideas that will propel the project’s mission.

“We look forward to welcome our new doctoral candidates and share their research journeys with our stakeholders and the scientific community,” added Dr. Stefano Buzzi. “Their contributions will undoubtedly help us achieve significant advancements and discoveries.”